OVH 2GB RAM SSD ハードドライブ UK KVM VPS レビュー

OVH 2GB RAM SSD ハードドライブ UK KVM VPS レビュー

詳細: OVH: 月額 2.99 ユーロ/2GB RAM/20GB SSD スペース/無制限トラフィック/DDOS/KVM/フランス/ドイツ/英国
OVH の機能には、1 億の無制限トラフィック、強力な DDOS 保護、優れた価格性能比などがあります。

1. システム情報、帯域幅、I/Oテスト

 CPU Model : Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX, IBRS) CPU Cores : 1 Cores @ 2399.990 MHz x86_64 CPU Cache : 4096 KB OS : Debian GNU/Linux 8 (64 Bit) KVM Kernel : 3.16.0-6-amd64 Total Space : 20.0 GB (1.1 GB Used) Total RAM : 1962 MB (299 MB Used 51 MB Buff) Total SWAP : 0 MB (0 MB Used) Uptime : 3 days 18 hour 7 min Load average : 0.73, 0.54, 0.23 ASN & ISP : AS16276, OVH Hosting Organization : OVH Hosting Location : London, United Kingdom / GB Region : England ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I/O Speed( 1.0GB ) : 87.9 MB/s I/O Speed( 1.0GB ) : 99.7 MB/s I/O Speed( 1.0GB ) : 98.0 MB/s Average I/O Speed : 95.2 MB/s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Name Upload Speed Download Speed Latency 97.51 Mbit/s 97.42 Mbit/s 2.604 ms Shanghai CT 11.66 Mbit/s 20.55 Mbit/s 285.705 ms Kunming CT 12.66 Mbit/s 21.98 Mbit/s 226.979 ms Chengdu CT 31.99 Mbit/s 58.31 Mbit/s 000.000 ms Shanghai CU 9.86 Mbit/s 20.00 Mbit/s 350.442 ms Xi'an CU 16.66 Mbit/s 18.51 Mbit/s 420.255 ms Chongqing CU 6.16 Mbit/s 17.30 Mbit/s 617.99 ms Shanghai CM 0.93 Mbit/s 11.23 Mbit/s 000.000 ms Xi'an CM 0.68 Mbit/s 15.92 Mbit/s 000.000 ms Chengdu CM 4.18 Mbit/s 20.21 Mbit/s 270.642 ms ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Finished in : 5 min 40 sec Timestamp : 2018-06-19 09:38:03 GMT+8

2. アップロード/ダウンロード帯域幅テスト

Retrieving server list... Selecting best server based on ping... Hosted by Vorboss Limited (London) [2.56 km]: 3.283 ms Testing download speed........................ Download: 95.94 Mbit/s Testing upload speed.......................... Upload: 91.50 Mbit/s

3. 国内アクセス速度

4. ハードディスクI/Oパフォーマンステスト

dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=4k oflag=dsync 4096+0 records in 4096+0 records out 268435456 bytes (268 MB) copied, 26.1909 s, 10.2 MB/s

5. Unixベンチ

Benchmark Run: Tue Jun 19 2018 03:48:33 - 04:16:45 1 CPU in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests Dhrystone 2 using register variables 21324349.1 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) Double-Precision Whetstone 3332.5 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples) Execl Throughput 3271.1 lps (29.6 s, 2 samples) File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 443010.0 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples) File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 127705.4 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples) File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1245029.0 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples) Pipe Throughput 778819.1 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) Pipe-based Context Switching 103791.8 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) Process Creation 7468.3 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples) Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 5128.3 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples) Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 661.6 lpm (60.1 s, 2 samples) System Call Overhead 844976.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples) System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 21324349.1 1827.3 Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 3332.5 605.9 Execl Throughput 43.0 3271.1 760.7 File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 443010.0 1118.7 File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 127705.4 771.6 File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 1245029.0 2146.6 Pipe Throughput 12440.0 778819.1 626.1 Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 103791.8 259.5 Process Creation 126.0 7468.3 592.7 Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 5128.3 1209.5 Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 661.6 1102.7 System Call Overhead 15000.0 844976.2 563.3 ======== System Benchmarks Index Score 833.8

6. パケットロステスト

Ping from to ============================================================================== 06/19 09:53:30.012 Ping to with 32 bytes of data and 32 of TTL: 06/19 09:53:30.362 PingMin #1 Reply 32 bytes from time=346ms TTL=38, ave=346.00ms 06/19 09:53:31.376 PingMax #2 Reply 32 bytes from time=368ms TTL=38, ave=357.00ms 06/19 09:53:34.385 PingMax #5 Reply 32 bytes from time=370ms TTL=38, ave=363.60ms 06/19 09:53:35.390 PingMax #6 Reply 32 bytes from time=375ms TTL=38, ave=365.50ms 06/19 09:53:49.457 PingMax #20 Reply 32 bytes from time=449ms TTL=38, ave=367.95ms 06/19 09:53:51.471 PingMax #22 Reply 32 bytes from time=457ms TTL=38, ave=373.23ms 06/19 09:54:26.356 PingMin #57 Reply 32 bytes from time=343ms TTL=38, ave=375.07ms 06/19 09:55:09.374 === 100 有效發送, 100 接收, 0.00% 丟失, 369.84ms 平均值=== --- 結果& 統計信息------------------------------------------------------開始時間: 2018/06/19 09:53:30經過時間: 000:01:39結束時間: 2018/06/19 09:55:09 ---------------- 100 總計發送0 無效接收(除了超時的其它錯誤) ---------------- 100 有效發送100 有效接收0 timed out (0.00% 丟失) Ping 最小值343ms, 最大值457ms, 平均值369.84ms

7. ルート追跡<br /> 通信



8. YouTube スピードテスト

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